Sharon Sanz Simon, PhD
Class of 2022
Fellowship Track
Personal Statement
My main research focuses on nonpharmacological intervention, particularly cognitive training, and lifestyle/psychosocial factors that promote healthy brain aging and dementia prevention in different communities.
Current Role
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Columbia University
PhD in Science/Psychiatry, University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Research Fellowship in Neuropsychiatry, Harvard Medical School
BA in Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Certified Neuropsychologist, Federal Council of Psychology (Brazil)
Research Areas of Interest
Cognitive Aging, Reserve & Resilience, Health Disparities, Psychosocial Factors, Cognition-Oriented Treatments, Non-Pharmacological Interventions, Telehealth, Teleneuropsychology