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Motoric Cognitive Risk (MCR) syndrome

Oshadi Jayakody, PhD

Oshadi Jayakody, PhD

Class of 2022
Fellowship Track

Personal Statement

My research interests are primarily within two aims: early identification of older adults at increased risk of developing dementia and initiating timely preventive interventions. I examine the role of gait as an early predictor for dementia to be used in primary care at low cost. I am also keen in expanding my research into dementia prevention paying particular attention to behavioral modifications and cognitive stimulation.

Current Role

Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Albert Einstein College of Medicine


Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Tasmania,Tasmania, Australia, Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science)

University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Bachelors of Science (Physiotherapy)

Research Areas of Interest

Early interventions in dementia prevention, Gait as a marker for cognitive decline and dementia, Longitudinal changes in brain structure, cognitive functions and gait, Understanding risk factors for the Motoric Cognitive Risk (MCR) syndrome

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